Title Author Post date I'm a little confused about Hebrew 12:6. What does it mean when it says "the Lord will punish", yet also, "when you ask for forgiveness it is forgotten"? admin 06-15-2001 How do you reconcile the foreknowledge and foreordination of God with incidents where God repented and changed his mind regarding future events? admin 06-15-2001 Is it true that it one has unconfessed sin in their life, that God does not answer ones prayers? admin 06-15-2001 What is the difference between a resurrection body and a glorified body? admin 06-15-2001 In Hebrews 1:3, by WHOSE Power does Christ uphold all things? His OWN or Father's? How strong of a case can be made that Christ upholds ALL things by His Father's powerfull word? admin 06-15-2001 Why are there two passover dates listed in the Old Tesatment? admin 05-07-2001 Is there a Biblical warrant to engage in debates with non-believers or cult members? What format did the apostle Paul used during his debates in the synagogues? admin 05-07-2001 What would the term "Son of God" have meant to a 1st Century, pious Jew? admin 05-07-2001 I've often wondered why a loving and gracious God would punish people so serverly for even the tiniest sin(s). What if they lived a decent life? admin 04-25-2001 Some members of my former church have asked me to speak to a group intent on splitting from that church. Should I try to help reconcile the church? admin 04-05-2001 Pages« first ‹ previous … 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 … next › last » more