Is it possible for a human being (other than Jesus) to have, obtain, and maintain unconditional love? |
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01-01-2001 |
Should Christians use the name of an Egyptian sun god (Amen) as part of their worship? |
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01-01-2001 |
Does the Greek construction in Acts 2:38 show that baptism has nothing to do with the remission of sins? |
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01-01-2001 |
Are there verses missing in Luke 24:50-53 in some manuscripts? |
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01-01-2001 |
Does God have self-imposed limitations? |
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01-01-2001 |
Is there a Biblical warrant to engage in debates with non-believers or cult members? What format did the apostle Paul used during his debates in the synagogues? |
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05-07-2001 |
What does “nation, kindred, tongue and people” in Rev. 14 mean? |
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01-01-2001 |
Can you give a clear definition of ‘believe’ in relation to salvation? |
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01-01-2001 |
Global Pastors Network |
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12-13-2005 |
When do you think the rapture will happen? |
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01-01-2001 |