Title Author Post date Is it true, as it has been claimed, that "All truth is God's truth"? admin 03-31-2004 I know that we are to help our neighbors and when we lend, were are to give those in need what they need and want. But there is this woman who constantly expects me to do more than what I am already doing for her. What should I do? admin 03-10-2004 Can you explain the nature of Salvation? I have two brothers that asked Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior many years ago, but they have no desire to follow Christ and say, "I have said my prayer and am covered." My heart aches for them! admin 03-04-2004 Was it realy feasible for Mordecai or Ester to return to Jerusalem during their time in Persia? (Since it seems that they fall between the returns of Zerubbabel and Ezra.) How does this affect their disobedience for not returning? admin 02-16-2004 How should we decide what to do about the 4th Commandment, to keep the Sabbath holy? admin 01-28-2004 Does Jeremiah 10:1-5 show that we should not have a Christmas tree in celebration of Christmas? admin 01-09-2004 The majority text advocates claim that the critical text never did circulate out of Egypt, and as a result never spread through the Roman Empire, where the first century congregations of the church were located. Is this true? admin 07-02-2003 I have read in several places that there are thousands of differences between the Vatican and Sinaitic manuscripts. I understand that this is one of the strongest arguments that the majority text advocates have against the critical text. admin 07-01-2003 There are Christians who believe that the Bible makes a case for this country's obligation to protect Israel. Do Christians have this biblical command? admin 06-10-2003 As I understand it, Churches of Christ says that there are 5 NT requirements that one must meet in order to be saved: hearing of the word; faith in Christ; repentance; confession of faith; water baptism by immersion. Is this biblical? admin 05-30-2003 Pages« first ‹ previous … 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 … next › last » more