It’s not true what some say about the Bible and racism |
David Austin |
06-13-2020 |
1. The Legacy of Cain: Departure from God (Genesis 4:3-24) |
Roger Pascoe |
06-16-2020 |
2. The Legacy of Seth: The Worship of God (Gen. 4:25-5:32) |
Roger Pascoe |
06-16-2020 |
3. As It Was in the Days of Noah (Pt. 1): God’s Patience Runs Out (Gen. 6:1-8) |
Roger Pascoe |
06-16-2020 |
4. As It Was In The Days Of Noah” (Pt. 2): God’s Plan Is Disclosed (Genesis. 6:8-22) |
Roger Pascoe |
06-16-2020 |
5. As It Was In The Days Of Noah (Pt. 3): The Finality Of God’s Plan (Genesis 7:1-24) |
Roger Pascoe |
06-16-2020 |
6. Noah’s Deliverance: God Keeps His Word (Genesis 8:1-9:28) |
Roger Pascoe |
06-16-2020 |
How to Refuse a Bit Part in an Idiot’s Tale |
Craig Biehl |
06-23-2020 |
Q. Can you give me some guidance on planning my funeral? |
Bob Deffinbaugh |
08-01-2020 |
The Net Pastor’s Journal, Eng Ed, Issue 36 Summer 2020 |
Roger Pascoe |
08-11-2020 |