Chapter 3: Presentation of Research Results |
Anonymous |
10-10-2005 |
What is Trajectory Theology? |
Anonymous |
02-13-2006 |
Preface to the Second Edition of Traning of the Twelve |
A. B. Bruce |
02-08-2005 |
Fishers of Men |
A. B. Bruce |
02-08-2005 |
Beginnings |
A. B. Bruce |
02-08-2005 |
The Disciplines of Prayer and Fasting |
A. Perry Hancock |
05-21-2004 |
Acknowledgements to Literary and Theological Analysis of the Book of Ezra |
A. Philip Brown II |
12-10-2004 |
Chapter 6: Holiness in Ezra: Separated From Uncleanness and Seeking the Lord |
A. Philip Brown II |
12-16-2004 |
Chapter 5: Yahweh: God of Israel, God of Heaven and Earth |
A. Philip Brown II |
12-16-2004 |
Chapter 8: A Reader’s Guide to the Theological Message of Ezra: A Literary-Theological Synthesis |
A. Philip Brown II |
12-21-2004 |