I looked at Harold Hoehner's (he's a prof. at Dallas
Seminary) commentary on Ephesians, which is quite extensive.
Obviously, there is quite a bit of discussion regarding
the way Paul used Psalm 68, since he did make some changes (none of which,
however, were inconsistent with the thrust of this psalm). Regarding these "captives" I was
pleased to see that we both came to the same conclusion:
"Who, then, are the captives? From Ps 68 it is clear that they were the
enemies of Israel who were defeated when Jerusalem was captured. In Ephesians some have interpreted the
captives: (1) as the enemies of Christ,
namely, Satan, sin, and death; or (2) as the people who have been the captives
of Satan, sin and death, and who are now taken captive by Christ in
redemption. The first interpretation
seems to be more fitting. Christ had
victory over Satan, sin and death and gives gifts of the Spirit to those who
have been identified with him."
Harold W. Hoehner, Ephesians: An
Exegetical Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Baker Academic, 2002), pp. 529-530.
This interpretation seems entirely consistent with
Colossians 2:13-15.