Understanding the Basics of the Faith is a question and answer Bible study series put together for the person who wants a better understanding of what the Bible teaches in the major areas of theology, such as God, Christ, the Spirit, man, the Devil, sin, salvation, the church, and end times. It can be used individually or in small groups. Each study is from four to six pages and attempts to include most of the important biblical passages on any one issue. Thus it is comprehensive in its approach to studying theology, yet not so detailed that it becomes cumbersome and tedious. This is not to say, however, that it is simplistic. On the contrary, it will require some reading, prayer, and thought. Both older believers as well as younger, newer believers will benefit greatly. The question and answer format encourages the reader to look up the passages on his own and to read them for him/herself in their context. In this way, the Bible can be learned firsthand!
1. The Bible: “A Lamp Unto My Feet…”
2. Our Great and Awesome God: “I Am the Lord, That Is My Name”
3. Jesus Christ: “Our Great God and Savior”
4. The Holy Spirit: “Sovereign Lord and Life-Giver”
5. Man: “Who Are We, Anyway?”
6. Our Adversary: “That Ancient Serpent Called the Devil”
7. So Great A Salvation: “Blind But Now I See”
8. The Church: “A Home Away From Home”
9. A Brilliant Future: “Where’s It All Leading?”