David was a great king, but a poor, passive parent. This lecture focuses on the tragic relationships David had with his children, and the consequences of David’s weak leadership of his family.
In this lecture, Mrs. Kraft offers wise applications from these passages for parents and for those who are experiencing trouble. She contrasts love vs. lust, and advises us on forming godly friendships. She concludes her lecture with this application: “Developing a heart for God means submitting to his will, whether it seems good or bad to us—whether it’s a consequence of our own sin, or just the suffering of life in a fallen world. It means waiting for his help, his comfort, encouragement, while being confident, as David was, of his goodness and his love for us.”
2 Samuel 13-19
1. Read 2 Samuel 13. How would you describe the “love” Amnon had for Tamar? Define true love. What kind of friend was Jonadab? Since Amnon followed his advice so readily, what did he lack?
2. Describe Tamar’s character. Was she responsible in any way for what happened to her? How did this crime affect her life and future? What should David have done? What did he do?
3. What was Absalom doing for two years? Was he justified in avenging his sister? Why didn’t David send for him after three years since he longed to see him?
4. Read 2 Samuel 14. Was David completely reconciled with Absalom when he let him return? What do we learn about Absalom in these two chapters? What qualities (good and bad) do you see in David as a father?
5. Read 2 Samuel 15. What strategies did Absalom use to prepare to seize the throne from David? What do you think of David’s response to news of the rebellion? What demonstrates that he was still a great warrior?
6. Read 2 Samuel 18-19. What adjectives would you use to describe Absalom? Why do you think David wanted Absalom’s life spared? What was more realistic about Joab’s view? What contributed to David’s grief over him?
7. Have you been unfairly, even brutally treated by a family member or friend? Or have you ever felt betrayed by someone you trusted? How did it affect you? Did you retaliate? Did you withdraw? Go into depression? What alternative do we have when we suffer? (1 Peter 2:21-23)
8. Why is it so hard to forgive? Who benefits most when we do? What is our basis for forgiving others? (Eph 4:29-32)