Jesus’s disciples were always feeling their way along as His companions. It’s likely that there were times where they helped their Master through a crowd when He intended to find a quiet place for a period. We know from Scriptural record that at times they were even tasked with reserving a room for a meal together. In all likelihood they were just trying to do something similar here—make Jesus’s job simpler. But they missed it on this occasion. The Lord saw them shooing away the people who wanted to bring their little ones before Him, and He would have none of it. In this message, Pastor Daniel picks up on Jesus’s intense valuing of children and walks through how, today, we should be bringing them to Him. 1) Believe children are a blessing, not a burden. 2) Proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to children in both word and deed. 3) Refuse to child-proof the church.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff