Stories of repentance and restoration are so very much at the heart of what we love to hear in Christian circles—they stir our spirits, build our faith, and remind us that there is hope to be had in the midst of a world that often feels quite the opposite. But the reason we have such stories is because of the deep and dark reality of sin in all our lives before that light dawns. At the core, we’re not restored from or repent of mistakes, naughtiness, or hang-ups. Without Christ, we’re unrighteous people washed over with sin, unwilling and unable to be reconciled to God. It is the truth about the hopelessness of that state that makes this parable about the returning prodigal and his welcoming father so very glorious. Pastor Daniel, in looking at this text, highlights the nature of our need for hearts of true repentance by examining the reality of our sin, the result of our sin, and repentance from sin. This repentance is characterized by an intellectual recognition of sin, an emotional reaction against it, a decision to turn from the same, and then fruit that comes as a result of this turning.
Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff