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Appendix 3 Study Questions and Projects for The Essential Christian World View


1. If you are a believer, what was your view of absolute truth and of the purpose of human life before you became a believer?

2. If you are not a believer, what is your view of these things?


1. Watch one episode of at least four different secular talk shows, and write down statements of the host and others on the show that reveal their worldview.

2. Ask non-believers you know to respond to the two basic questions addressed in Chapter One. Note their response.

3. If you are a parent of school-age children, ask some or all of your children's teachers to respond to the two basic questions. Note their response.

4. If you have school-age children, ask them to respond to the two questions.

5. Ask professing Christians you know who are not members of your church to respond to the two basic questions. If you did the similar project for the preface, ask different people.

6. Look up all the verses mentioned in this chapter, and study their contexts.

Related Topics: Introduction to Theology, Teaching the Bible, Apologetics

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