In May we celebrated Mother’s Day, and now in June we stop to honor Father’s. Much is written and said about fathers in scripture. Proverbs gives us insights into God's Plan: Pro 23:24 “The father of a righteous person will rejoice greatly; whoever fathers a wise child will have joy in him;” Pro 20:7 “The righteous person behaves in integrity; blessed are his children after him;” Pro 21:21 “ The one who pursues righteousness and love finds life, bounty, and honor” and lastly a promise in Pro 15:29 “The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.” As we stop to honor fathers, may we remember to pray for each one as they lead and guide their families into righteousness. God calls each father, and others as well, to “walk before Him,” “walk with Him;” “walk beside Him;” and “walk/follow after Him”. Thank you fathers for the challenge you have to not only live righteously but model it for us.
Building on the topic of fathers who model righteousness, we would like to share with you one mini-devotional written by a Bible.org staff person who has been working on our discipleship projects.
Being Intentional:
Not too long ago a man shared with me how he and his wife took extra effort to be "intentional" in their walk with God. He said that; along with their regular routines in God's Word and prayer, twice a year he and his wife would take a Saturday together and spend the whole day in prayer both individually and together. They would seek the Lord for guidance and just talk to Him about everything in their lives. This intentional time would help them to think through where they were in their lives, where God wanted them to go, or what He wanted them to do. Doing this helped them draw closer to God and to each other. It helped clarify the goals God wanted them to have, and helped them work together spending their lives for God's glory. In other words, It helped them to see what really mattered. What are we doing to be intentional about our walk with God?
Bible.org Store Gets a New Look
Starting today you will see a new look to the Bible.org store. We upgraded our store to add some of the new features that some of our visitors have been asking for, such as:
Multiple address so you can store your friends and families address
Wish list
Gift vouchers
and more...
However, in order to get all these new features we had to reset our databases and start over.(sigh) If you have not ordered from our new store as of yet, you will be required to register again. You store account is not linked to your Bible.org account. You are encouraged to make it the same user name and password as your Bible.org account but they are two different sites and logging into one doesn't log you into the other (another sigh).
Feel free to register, login and explore our new store, and as always we welcome feedback and suggestions.
Two New NET Bible editions and Two Ways to Buy Them
We would like to announce that we now have two new NET Bibles editions for sale. Our new sized Pew Bible and our very first smyth sewn Paperback.
The Pew Bible was redesigned with a smaller size than our old Pew Bible so that it fits easier in the back of pew or under chairs. Still has a larger print, still durable and still smyth sewn so it will last longer than most Pew Bibles. Now priced to buy in bulk. The Pew Bibles are available at $6 each when bought in cases of 16. Slightly higher when bought individually.
The Paperback follows the same design as our compact Bible. All the same features in a durable paperback cover. Our paperback is also symth sewn which will make it last a long time without falling apart. The Paperback was created for churches to give to new believers or visitors. The Paperback Bibles are available at $3 each when bought in cases of 32. Slightly higher when bought individually.
Both of these Bibles can be found in our new store. By the case or individually. Both a great deal.
New Feature Added to the NET Bible Study Environment
Today we will be adding a new feature to our NET Bible Study Environment. When you click on the search tab you will see 6 icons on the right side of the results section. When you enter a search term or mouse over these icons the will slide out to the left. The 6 icons represent The Bible, Bible.org, The NET Notes, The Journals, Your Books and the Web. Next to each of these sections will also be the number of results available for each.
This is very handy if you ever wanted to know how many times a word is used in the Bible or how many articles are on Bible.org for a certian topic.
As you can see we are constantly adding new features to help you improve your studies.
In our May newsletter we sought submissions from others about “A Mother is…”. Your notes were heartwarming and insightful. We have summarized them here: “A Mother is a very special figure; possessing others feelings and problems as if they were her own; she is immeasurable and worth “far more than jewels”; she gives birth and carries; protects with love and care. One letter ended with these words which sum up the thoughts we gleaned from the many letters: "May the grace and love of our Father in heaven be sufficient for each mother.” Thank you, once again, for sharing your thoughts.
A note from a follower on the Bible.org Facebook page: Memucan wrote: Thank you very much for your website, it is awesome. God really blessed me with your teaching here. In fact I get more of your teaching and use it in preaching to our brethren in the Philippines. You play a great part blessing the souls saved here in our city. Keep up the good work. May the Lord bless you.
From the main site: Bryan wrote: I was visiting a blog today where the blogger was relating a story of a friend who is wondering which translation to use when using the KJV as their main Bible. The person mentioned the NET Bible and of course I had to extol the virtues of the NET Bible. I gave the website to go to and my apologies but I boasted of the 60,932 translation notes. (Ex Director wrote back: Bryan, thanks for doing that. We need thousands of folks doing that to get the word out.)
Teresa wrote: This is a fabulous site! I love that the format is written in outline form, which is my way of note-taking,etc. It is clear & concise…. Thank you so much for all your hard work & effort.
'Bible.org welcomes your comments. We reserve the right to edit any received in order to fit the needs of our newsletter format.'
Has your Pastor preached on President Obama's announcement supporting same sex marriage? You can listen or watch what how one Pastor in South Florida USA changed his sermon preached on the topic. Listen
here watch it
I would like to take a survey on this question and i will report the results next month. It is just one question so take the survey
We have uploaded the Chinese NET project briefing slides on slideshare.com; Click
here to watch the slide show. Please
contact us if you are interested in any part of our Chinese project or have missions and burdens to serve the people with the world's largest population.
Bible.org has several avenues that will assist you in sharing the good news of Christ to a lost and dying world. We have forums & blogs written by fellow believers in ministry, service, those in education and in pastoral roles. We have the social media outlets of Facebook and Twitter. And lastly we have the users page where many who are novice authors are able to try their skill at writing. God has graciously given Bible.org the avenues for you as a reader or participant to share, so there is no excuse to not be involved! Come join us on this journey.
Facebook: reaching beyond we are thankful for the 16,722 “likes”.
On the
Twitter side: Let’s get the word out about this easy and viable tool for sharing snippets of God’s truth. Here’s a sample tweet from Lelio....:" Did devotions differently today w/ @bibleorg
http://bit.ly/MN8dCJ . A super difficult challenge w/ an incredible outcome. Let's do it!"
Please also do
NOT forget the Facebook page for the
NET Bible snippets verses as well!
BLOGS: Summer is just around the corner and it is time to gear up for that marvelous time of Vacation Bible School! Check out the
Heartprints Blog posts by Sarah Bowlers about making your VBS evangelistic. Then, when VBS is over and you are ready to drop, read Susan Greenwood’s blog on the value of attending a conference and use it as your mini-retreat getaway where you can make new friendships and rejuvenate and share your wealth of ideas with others.
Tapestry has gained two new women bloggers: Melanie Newton and Sara Alexander. Check out their posts just up this month.
Impact: The media would have us to believe that monogamous marriage is null and void. Is it really? Read Stephen Drain’s post in his book review
“Our Dance Has Turned to Death”. Stephen shares from Carl W. Wilson’s book with this opening statement: ““[The main thesis of this book]
is that the family, with traditional religious roles for men and women in a life-long monogamous marriage relationship, is the abiding natural foundation for social order, happiness and stability. When that view is abandoned for selfish individualism the society will collapse and die.” – Carl W. Wilson.
Dr. Keith Krell is one of Bible.org's favorite authors. Keith and his family reside in Olympia, Washington where Keith is Sr. Pastor at Emmanuel Bible Fellowship. His newest series on
Romans is now uploaded.
Interested in the topic of Man’s Religions? Patrick Zukeran’s article will give you some ideas on this topic and man’s views. His article entitled:
The Origin of Man’s Religions.