Which One Is the Right One?
Several cotton farmers were whiling away a winter afternoon around the potbellied stove. They soon became entangled in a heated discussion on the merits of their respective religions. The eldest of the farmers had been sitting quietly, just listening, when the group turned to him and demanded, “Whos right, old Jim? Which one of these religions is the right one?”
“Well,” said Jim thoughtfully, “you know there are three ways to get from here to the cotton gin. You can go right over the big hill. Thats shorter but its a powerful climb. You can go around the east side of the hill. Thats not too far, but the road is roughern tarnation. Or you can go around the west side of the hill, which is the longest way, but the easiest.
“But you know,” he said, looking them squarely in the eye, “when you get there, the gin man dont ask you how you come. He just asks, Man, how good is your cotton?”