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Psalm 37:1

Fret Not

Many years ago George Gardiner was holding evangelistic meetings in a community, and God was blessing. At that time his only income was from his speaking engagements. With a wife and two children to support, and several unpaid bills, Mr. Gardiner was trusting God to meet his needs. At the final service the leader announced that the entire offering would be given to the guest as a love gift. The plates were passed, and the people gave generously. After the meeting one of the ushers enthusiastically showed the speaker the total on the adding machine tape. But when the man in charge handed the guest preacher a check, it was for one-half of the offering.

Back at the motel, sleep eluded the evangelist’s eyes. The hours passed—12 ... 1 ... 2 a.m. Exasperated, he finally reached for the Gideon Bible by his bedside and began reading where it fell open. These words of Psalm 37 struck him with full force: “Fret not thyself. Trust in the Lord. Evildoers shall be cut off.” Putting the Bible down, he prayed, “Lord, what a fool I’ve been! Forgive me. Keep the other fellow awake—I’m going to get some sleep!” Victory came, and in the weeks that followed, God provided the needed finances.

Are you fussing and fuming because someone has wronged you? Has resentment or some little irritation been rankling within your soul? Tell God about it. Admit your foolish fretting, and ask Him to help you stop. Don’t let the other person rob you of your peace. After all, he’s the one who has reason to be tossing and turning!

Our Daily Bread, Saturday, May 9.

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