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Matthew 25:31-46

Seeing Christ

Imagine if we saw Christ in all who have needs. And imagine that we ministered to those needs in Christ’s name and with His love. How good it would be to hear these words as expressed by a fine Christian woman:

When I was hungry, you gave Me to eat,
When I was thirsty, you gave Me drink,

When I was homeless, you opened your doors,
When I was naked, you gave Me your coat,

When I was weary, you helped Me find rest,
When I was anxious, you calmed all My fears,

When I was little, you taught Me to read,
When I was lonely, you gave Me your life,

When in a prison, you came to My cell,
When on a sick bed, you cared for My needs,

In a strange country, you made Me at home,
Seeking employment, you found Me a job,

Hurt in a battle, you bound up My wounds,
Searching for kindness, you held out your hand,

When I was black, or brown, yellow or white,
Mocked and insulted, you carried My cross,

When I was aged, you bothered to smile,
When I was restless, you listened and cared,

You saw Me covered with spittle and blood,
You knew My features, though grimy with sweat,

When I was laughed at, you stood by My side,
When I was happy, you shared in My joy.

Morning Glory, February 19, 1994

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