How to Recruit People
How you enlist a person will determine how that person serves. Therefore eliminate three things:
1. Public announcements saying we need workers
2. Last minute appointments
3. Pressure tactics
Establish a personnel committee:
1. The Plan: Match people with jobs.
2. The Purpose: One job/ministry per individual, and throw everything he/she has into that one job.
3. The Procedure: One on one. Enlistment is always done one on one. Set up an appointment to approach an individual, and go over: (a) the challenge of the job, “Your job is the most important one in this whole church.” People respond to a challenge. Remember, Jesus sent many people home. (b) The cultivation of the job, “We expect much of you (implies that there are written standards) and you can expect much of us.” (c) The commitment to the job, “Dont tell us yes until youve told God yes. Dont tell us no until youve told God no.” Dont ask people to do you a favor and accept. They do it for the Lord Jesus.