10 Myths About Being Single
1. All singles, especially women, want to get married. Changes in our society have given women more options and benefits to staying single.
2. Single men are irresponsible. Because some men know themselves well enough to know they are not ready for marriage, this does not make them irresponsible or afraid of commitment.
3. Singles are sexually frustrated. According to several national studies of non-Christian singles, sexuality ranks fifth in order of importance in their lives.
4. Singles are wild swingers. Single adults today are far more likely to throw themselves into a career.
5. Finding the “right” person will solve all your problems. Being married is not an insurance policy for happiness, satisfaction, or fulfillment.
6. Marriage is Gods highest calling. Is marriage preferred? Yes and no. Is it permanent? Yes, that is Gods design. Is marriage primary? No.
7. All single adults are lonely. The loneliest people in the world are not singles. They are those married people whose hearts are miles apart while they sleep back to back.
8. Singles are basically selfish. The reality is that they have no way to mask their selfishness. They cant say, “No, because Johnny has a soccer game,” or “Gee, Ruth is not feeling well.”
9. Only a large church can offer something for singles. Unchurched, never-married singles prefer small churches, especially those with less than 100 people.
10. Single adults dont understand family life. Nehemiah and Paul understood it, and so do most single adults.