Lesson 10: David’s Final Words and Deeds

Stricken with guilt after pridefully counting his fighting men, David confessed. A deadly plague ensued among the Israelites, which ended at the threshing floor of Araunah. David purchased the threshing floor on Mount Moriah for an altar and sacrifice, but it is also the site on which Solomon would build God’s house. David prepared exquisite materials and plans for Solomon’s use in building the temple, and then encouraged Solomon for the task.

Stricken with guilt after pridefully counting his fighting men, David confessed. A deadly plague ensued among the Israelites, which ended at the threshing floor of Araunah. David purchased the threshing floor on Mount Moriah for an altar and sacrifice, but it is also the site on which Solomon would build God’s house. David prepared exquisite materials and plans for Solomon’s use in building the temple, and then encouraged Solomon for the task. At the end of David’s life, his eldest living son, Adonijah, attempted to snatch the throne from Solomon, but David restrained Adonijah and installed Solomon. Before all the assembly, David expressed praise to God and faith in his covenantal promises. David reigned for forty years, and then “rested with his fathers.”

Mrs. Kraft teaches that pride always lurks within us to steal credit away from God. There is a difference between satisfaction and joy in a job well done and pride that makes us feel superior or self-sufficient. Just as David liberally contributed lavish materials for God’s house, we should liberally invest in God’s work, for a future we will not see. Train children to understand their spiritual heritage of faith, and to understand that they will be truly prosperous if they live to please God.

Study Questions

2 Samuel 24 and 1 Kings 1-2

1. Read 2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21. Compare 2 Samuel 24:1 with 1 Chronicles 21:1. How would you explain this? What do you think David’s motive was for taking a military census? Why would this displease God? (2 Samuel 22:2-4; 47-51 )

2. When David was conscience-stricken, what did he do? Why did he choose the punishment he did? What does 2 Samuel 24:17 reveal about him?

3. Seventy thousand men died because of David’s sin. What does that teach us about the fallout of the consequences for our sins? Can you remember a time when your sins affected others or their sins affected you?

4. What attributes of God are revealed in this incident? Why did He command David to build an altar? Why did David insist on paying for the threshing floor? What principle is here for us?

5. Read 1 Chronicles 22. What did David choose as the site of the temple? What preparations did he make for it? What does that tell us about him?

6. How do you handle disappointment? Do you get mad at God? Become bitter? Give up? How would 1 Thessalonians 5:18 help you gain the right perspective? Do you need to do this now about some situation?

7. Read 1 Kings 1. What plans did Adonijah make to usurp the throne before David died? What does 1:6 confirm about David as a father?

8. Read 1 Kings 2:13-25. How do we know that Adonijah still thought he should be king? What did Solomon realize that Bathsheba didn’t? When Adonijah died how was David’s own judgment fulfilled? (2 Sam 12:6)

9. What have you learned from David’s actions and responses in our study that demonstrate he was a man after God’s heart?
