14. Seeking the Face of the Savior

Discussion Questions

1. A. When you read about Jesus establishing the sacrament of communion at

        the last Passover, which words have meaning for you?


    B. How has your own experience of taking communion been a blessing to




2. A. What is especially challenging to you about actually spending time in



    B. How would you encourage someone who wanted to begin a regular

         habit of prayer?



3. Read I Corinthians 1:18.


    A. What is your understanding of this verse?


    B. Do you see evidence of this in today’s world?



4. Read Psalm 22:1-18.


    What are some specific descriptions that relate to the crucifixion of




5. Scan the remainder of Psalm 22.


     A. Which verses reflect a change in David’s focus and tone?


    B. What lesson can you take for your own life?


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