13. Review Questions

Purpose: The review questions will be an overall review of the first section of this ministry.


1. The disciple will be able to talk about each issue in a more fully.

2. The disciple will be able to remember the materials more easily.

3. The disciple will be able to put into practice the practical things taught in this section.

Scripture Memory

Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its desires, and do not present your members to sin as instruments to be used for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead and your members to God as instruments to be used for righteousness.

Romans 6:12-13


1. Mutual accountability and prayer.

2. Discuss the questions.

3. Share Scripture memorization.

Basic Christianity Review

1. What are some of the implications of the term “eternal life?”

2. How can salvation be a gift if it could be withdrawn for any reason?

3. List aspects of sin in our lives...i.e., is sin always doing what is explicitly forbidden? What other things are considered sin?

4. What is the basic meaning of “death” in the New Testament? List several kinds of death mentioned in Scripture.

5. Elaborate on this thought. “We are not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we are sinners.”

6. What are the basic differences between “experiential” indicators and “objective” indicators in the matter of assurance of salvation?

7. How significant is “Lordship” in the broad aspects of salvation?

8. Why is assurance of salvation so crucial?

9. What specifically is the “testimony or witness of God?”

10. Who is the god of this age? What everyday things are closely tied to this “world system?”

11. What is positional truth? (In your own words)

12. Describe and discuss the difference between “standing” and “state.”

13. Elaborate on the meanings involved in the doctrine of justification and sanctification as these doctrines relate to the truth of positional relationship.

14. Which is fixed and which is ongoing —justification and sanctification?

15. If I know Christ, I am a saint. To which of the doctrines in question 14 is being a saint related?

16. What are the central components of spiritual maturity?

17. For what reason is stress important in spiritual maturity?

18. How does the maturing of an individual relate to spirituality?

19. Give a practical, accurate, and down to earth definition of spirituality.

20. What does it mean to “practice spirituality?” To “confess on the run?”

21. What is the Bema? Elaborate on its significance.

22. What are the results of the practice of spirituality?

23. “Fruit” is a word mentioned in relation to the results of the practice of spirituality. What are the implications of the word “fruit?”

24. What is the meaning of the term “temporal fellowship?”

25. Describe in your own words the way to practice “spirituality.”

26. In your own words, contrast spirituality and maturity.

27. What is the basic meaning of the word “confess?”

28. What is the effect of spirituality on growth to maturity?

29. How can one be sure his faith is “saving faith?”

30. “Spiritual warfare” is a common phrase used today. Explain the difference between temptation related to the flesh and temptation that is a frontal and obvious attack by satan.

31. It is not “that I cannot sin,” but rather that “I can not sin.” What is the difference?

32. What are the chief things we can do to thwart a direct attack of satanic powers upon our lives today?

33. Describe the armor of a Christian.

34. What has been your most significant learning in this section?

35. What can you describe regarding a temptation that might bring you to think it is “spiritual warfare?”

36. List five significant things that have happened to you since coming to Christ.

Biblical Topics: 
Taxonomy upgrade extras: