Lesson 6: The Discipline of Christian Friendship (3 John 13-15)

Email is great. Texting is a gift. Video calling is an amazing technology. Good old-fashioned letter writing has a real warmth to it. But nothing beats true, face-to-face conversation where you can reach over and shake a hand, give a loved one a bear hug, or share life over a cup of coffee. John obviously saw value in sitting down with pen in hand to write a greeting and instruction to his friends, but he too knew what would be so much better; he wanted true, personal time with his brothers and sisters in Christ—that would allow him to actually pour into them in the ways he most wanted. These relationships within the body have always been of utmost importance. Pastor Daniel mentions this importance by stating, “It is in the context of friendship that the Christian life is to be lived,” and then, “Christ-like love produces Christ-exalting friendships.”

Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff

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