Lesson 1: Savior of the Outcast (Luke 1:1-4)

There have been, throughout the course of history, competing arguments about the true nature of Jesus. Are portions of his life and character hidden away in other religions or “forgotten” gospel accounts that don’t get a voice in the Bibles we now carry? The reality is, regardless of whether or not we hold to ancient texts or belief systems that present a different Jesus than the one we see in the Scriptures, we are tempted continually to make Him into someone who suits us in our day rather than accept who He has revealed Himself to be. This message, and really this series covering the gospel of Luke, is meant to force you to decide whether you will follow your idea of Jesus or accept the Jesus of the Scriptures. We see in the first verses of the account a number of truths that help us begin this process of discovery. 1.) Luke’s gospel reveals the importance of Jesus’ life. 2.) Luke’s gospel is passionate about the real Jesus. 3.) Luke’s gospel offers a unique portrait of the Savior. 4.) Luke’s gospel strengthens our relationship with Jesus. It is in this account that we hear specifically about the One who has come to seek and save the lost, with special attention given to those not part of the insider club. This is about a Jesus all are invited to put their hope in, but specifically about the Savior of the outcast.

Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff
