
AP&A=Associated Publishers and Authors(出版社)

BAGD=Bauer Arndt Gingrich Danker(希腊文字典)

BDB=Brown Driver Briggs(希伯来文原文字典)

Bib Sac=Bibliotheca Sacra

BMH=Brethren Missionary Hearld(出版社)

CLC=Christian Literature Crusade(出版社)

CUP=Cambridge University Press(出版社)

DSBS=Daily Study Bible Series

DTS=Dallas Theological Seminary

EBC=Expositor's Bible Commentary

EGT=Expositor's Greek Testament

EVBC=Everyman's Bible Commentary

GNB=Good News Bible

HNTC=Harper's New Testament Commentary

IB=Interpreter's Bible

ICC=International Critical Commentary

IVP=Inter Varsity Publishers

JB=Jerusalem Bible

JBL=Journal of Biblical Literature

JETS=Journal of Evangelical Theological Society

KJV=King James Version



MNTC=Moffat's New Testament Commentary

NAB=New American Bible

NASB=New American Standard Bible

NBD=New Bible Dictionary

NEB=New English Bible

NIC=New International Commentary

NIV=New International Version

NRSV=New Revised Standard Version

RSV=Revised Standard Version

SB=Studia Biblia

SBSS=Shield Bible Study Series

SCM=Student Christian Movement(出版社)

SGC=Study Guide Commentary


TDNT=Theological Dictionary of the New Testament

TEV=Today's English Version

TNTC=Tyndale New Testament Commentary

TR=Textus Receptus(即俗称「大众版本」)

UBS=United Bible Society

WBC=Word Biblical Commentary

WPNT=Word Pictures of the New Testament

ZAW=Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft(德文希伯来文字典)

ZPBE=Zondervan Pictorial Bible Encylopedia
