Bibliography & Other Suggested Resources

  • Answer In Genesis
  • Institute for Creation Research
  • Creation Museum: Cincinnati, OH.
  • The Genesis Flood: James Whitcomb and Henry Morris
  • Case for a Creator: Lee Strobel
  • Spiritual Brain: Beauregard & O’Leary
  • Starlight & Time: Russell Humphreys
  • The Lie - Evolution: Ken Ham
  • After the Flood: Bill Cooper
  • Evolution—Challenge of the Fossil Record: Duane Gish
  • The World that Perished: James C. Whitcomb
  • The Early Earth: James C. Whitcomb
  • The Remarkable Record of Job: Henry Morris
  • Scientific Creationism: Henry Morris
  • One Blood: Ham, Wieland, Batten
  • Creation Facts of Life: Gary Parker
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