9. Cosmic Organization

“Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar--- the LORD of hosts is his name.” Jer 31:35 (ESV)

There are two fundamental natural laws that are accepted as fact universally and which apply to all aspects of nature universally. They are the first and second laws of thermodynamics. These two natural laws, when applied to our highly organized universe, demand a prime cause which is itself apart from nature.

The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed except by nuclear reaction and then total mass and energy are still conserved. The first law essentially states that you don’t get something from nothing. The universe exists. Since the sum of energy and mass cannot be created or destroyed by natural means, if the universe does have a beginning it must have a supernatural cause. If the universe had a beginning, then the Materialist model is contradicted by the simple application of this law. The Creation model explains that mass and energy exist as the result of supernatural will imposed at the beginning.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Entropy, states: In any energy conversion (work) there is a net increase in entropy. Entropy is the amount of energy not usable for useful work. In other words, no energy conversion (work) is 100% efficient. The second law essentially states that what you get back is never as much as what you put in. In simple terms, order progresses toward chaos. Batteries run down and clocks wind down. A nuclear reactor operates because of entropy—the breakdown of atoms giving off heat. The universe is winding down. What we observe when we look into the cosmos is the highly organized ordering of our solar system, our galaxy, and the myriad of other galaxies and galactic clusters in far away parts of our universe. Entropy means that when a tornado hits a trailer park, the debris does not fall together randomly to form a nice new move-in ready apartment complex. Yet, the Materialist model suggests that stars explode and the resulting debris forms new and highly organized solar systems like our own—in our case so organized as to produce and support the evolution of life. Entropy means that nature—organic or inorganic—progresses from order to chaos. The implication is that for any order to exist in nature, nature must be acted on by an external (supernatural) force. Not only is God required for the existence of the universe (first law), but God is required for the organization of existence.

Ironically, the Materialist model fails to predict material reality. The Creation model does predict material reality because it involves a supernatural force responsible for the existence and organization of material reality.

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