What follows is an organized and curated list of content. Click here for an exhaustive list of content on Malachi
Homer Heater Jr.: 18. Malachi [] Part of a series on the Old Testament prophets. History, Background, Extensive paragraph outline.
18. Malachi [] Part of a series on the Old Testament prophets. History, Background, Extensive paragraph outline.
18. Malachi [] Part of a series on the Old Testament prophets. History, Background, Extensive paragraph outline.
Kenneth Boa: 47. Malachi [] Part of the series: Visual Survey of the Bible.
Bill McRae: 31. Zechariah and Malachi []
Mark Dever: Promises Made – The Message of Malachi [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church.
Ray Stedman: Malachi: Think upon His Name [, , Translated] Part of the series: Adventuring Through the Bible. Peninsula Bible Church. Spanish translation available.
S. Lewis Johnson: Malachi [, ] 8 messages.
John Piper: Malachi: The Sun of Righteousness Will Rise [, ] 11 lessons.
John Piper: You Shall Go Forth Leaping Like Calves [, ] 1 lesson.
Allen Ross: Studies in the Book of Malachi [] 6 lessons.
Eugene H. Merrill: 7. Malachi [] Part of the series: An Exegetical Commentary - Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (4 lessons).
Gracepro: 19. What Really Matters - God's Passionate Perspective On Marriage [, ] Part of the series: Marriage 101: Back to the Basics.
19. What Really Matters - God's Passionate Perspective On Marriage [, ] Part of the series: Marriage 101: Back to the Basics.
: [] Part of the series: Divorce and Re-Marriage: Recovering the Biblical View.
William Luck: 5. Summary of Old Testament Teachings on Divorce and Re-Marriage [] Part of the series: Divorce and Re-Marriage: Recovering the Biblical View.
Study Helps and related
Tom Constable: Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on Malachi [] This is also available in the Net.Bible.org Study Environment.
David Malick: An Introduction to the Book of Malachi []
An Argument of the Book of Malachi []
J. Hampton Keathley, III: 7. The Minor Prophets [] Part of the series: Concise Old Testament Survey.
Hampton Keathley IV: 12. Malachi Part of the series: The Minor Prophets.