Title of Lesson: Acceptance in the Community  Acceptance through the  Redeeming Blood of Christ


Scripture Passage Ruth 2:4-17; 3:9-12   (added extra verses)

Lesson Description: Ruth 2 through 4 present the concept of a kinsman redeemer and thus is preparation for the lesson on Easter presenting Christ as our kinsman redeemer.

Materials:  sandal, Bible, weights (30 and 60lb) or pictures of that amount; barley, wheat, a dish sponge, a bowl of water.

Age Level/Audience Adult


(there is a silver lining behind every cloud is a phrase we all know..what does it mean?)

Let’s review the family of Naomi. She was married to a man named Elimelech and lived in Israel in a town named Bethlehem. Elimelech moved his family to Moab at a time of severe famine. While there, he died, his sons married Moabite women and the sons die) We saw two different responses to death: a grieving Naomi and Ruth who saw Jehovah as in control of all circumstances. Naomi returns to her homeland after more than 10 yrs. when she hears that the famine that drove them to Moab has been lifted in Bethlehem.  The women of Bethlehem are surprised, is this Naomi to which she replies, call me “Mara” bitter. When she arrives it is harvesting time, which is between April and May (barley first and then wheat). In our lesson last week we saw Ruth promise that she would never leave nor forsake Naomi. (how Christ like Ruth has become). What motivated her?

The timing of last week’s lesson was in the time of the Judges, perhaps the time of Gideon. No one knows for sure exactly when. We also learned about looking at only one side of a coin as a picture of how we often view our circumstances rather than applying Rom 8:28 to our lives as believers. What names of God did we learn about? (El Shaddai…meaning He is God Almighty, the All Sufficient One or the Almighty, the one who judges).  Which did Naomi see? (she saw the one who judges).

Is 55:11

Stated Objective(s)



Ruth 2 –4: God provided and protected the widows Naomi and Ruth; God demonstrated His love for Ruth in providing a kinsman redeemer for her in Boaz;

God has provided and protected us as He did for Naomi and Ruth, He has provided the perfect kinsman redeemer in Jesus Christ.

God accepts those who have been redeemed just as  Boaz accepted Ruth by his redemption.

God makes provision for all people to be redeemed.

God uses about all events to bring about His intended purpose



Introduction to Lesson

When we study a book such as this true story, we often fail to stop and analyze what the book is teaching us and draw our own conclusions. To help us, we will focus on the ‘plot’, the ‘characters’, the themes (ideas or topics) and the author’s purpose (what he is seeking to explain, or convince us about, or encourage us to do something)  Also, it is vitally important to seek how to apply what we learn from our study for if we do not then the truth of this statement will be true of us: study without application is dead orthodoxy. That means that we are taking in but not putting out.

What kind of book is this? (a narrative) … a story told by an author. He does not always include all of the details, neither is he teaching a doctrine, but instead illustrates a doctrine (in this case it is the doctrine of redemption). The author does not write to answer all of our theological questions but to get us “thinking”. He will either implicitly (he implies something without stating it but gives us enough clues to determine what he is telling us) or explicitly (stating something lest we try to decide what he means).

As a widow and a Moabite widow, Ruth had few ways to support herself and also Naomi who was probably old by this time. We do know “explicitly” that she was beyond child bearing years. In Israel a widow had few options: she could beg, sell herself into slavery, become a prostitute, look for a husband among the eligible men, or seek support from her nearest male relative. OR she could glean in the 2 months of harvest time.

Thinking about our objectives, which one did Ruth choose? (she chose to glean). What dangers might she encounter as a widow; a Moabite widow? Let’s keep our eyes open to see how God provided and protected Ruth and Naomi; how He demonstrated His love for both of the widows.




 Ruth 2:1-17: God provides and protects Ruth

Using all of ch 2 make a list of what God reveals about our three main characters. (this is a good time to make a chart of what we see so we have it to refer to as we go through the lesson)


Thinking about being a new widow, a new person in the community, a Moabite, give some reasons why you think Ruth sought permission from Naomi to go and glean? (what was the Law regarding gleaning? (Lev 19:9-10)

Read: 2:1-3 How does vs. 3 demonstrate God’s providential care for Ruth? What scriptural principle can we “glean” from vs. 3 for our own lives?

Does God orchestrate events for His purpose? See Prov 16:9.

What does Ruth teach us about diligence? (she worked from morning to evening and even the foreman told Boaz of this fact…others will testify about our time usage and work ethic)

In vs 8 what does Boaz call Ruth? (daughter) What is the author telling us by this term of endearment? (he was much older than her)

Give the ways God not only provided a place for Ruth to glean, but provision for her meal, and protection . Why do you suppose Boaz told the young men to not “reproach her” nor “rebuke her” ? Boaz went beyond what the Law required. He was wealthy and that may have been a reason, or it seems to appear, the author implies that he considers widows more vulnerable and more in need than other women. Or it could be another reason.

How did Ruth see herself? How is she “ different” than the other female workers? Does being “different” cause you to be less accepted, more accepted or neither?


Ruth 2:18-3:18

How did Naomi react to Ruth’s present of the barley (30 lbs)? This is the only time we see in the book that Naomi has a positive viewpoint of life. Do you think that she is perhaps seeing  God at work? Let’s read on.

Explain vs. 22: Naomi agreed with Boaz to stay in his field. Why? (for her protection, widows were vulnerable and could easily be taken advantage of )

What news does Naomi tell  Ruth that she could not have known otherwise? (that Boaz was a near relative). Being  a Moabite Ruth probably did not know the Leverite law (Deut 25:5-10)

What information does Boaz have that he does not act upon? (see Ruth 3:12). Could this be a reason why he had not sought to “redeem” Ruth prior to this? Or what did he expect Ruth to do? (Ruth 3:10) What might he have been expecting to happen?

Threshing time is after the harvest. Therefore it has been at least 2 months time. Walk through Naomi’s plan. What did she know and Boaz know? The author does not tell us why but we can surmise that women were not to be there because it was a time of celebration for the men. She perhaps told Ruth but the author does not tell us. (Ruth 3:3 & 3:14).

What were the instructions Naomi gave to  Ruth? Why do you think Naomi told Ruth to do this “secretly”. The author does not tell us, but perhaps it is to protect Boaz’s character as well s Naomi’s. It was a gamble and it worked. (Constable).


What does Boaz call Ruth in 3:11. That word “excellence” is the same Hebrew word used to describe Boaz when we first meet him in chapter 2. What spiritual principle can we glean from that? God does not make mistakes when it comes to bringing two people together that He will use to bring about his divine plan. (Ruth and Boaz are in the line of Jesus).


What complication does Boaz have to deal with and when does he promise Ruth that he will do it.





Ruth 4:1-22 Boaz redeems Ruth

Wise Boaz, just as Naomi predicted, went immediately that day. Walk through the process of Boaz’s dealing. How timely God provided that the first redeemer showed up at “just the right moment”…another picture of God’s providence.

What did Boaz present first to the primary redeemer (who note is unnamed). Those who refuse to be the redeemer are the unnamed and unworthy. What he lost is lost for eternity. What Boaz gained is written for us and for eternity.

What was the first response of the primary redeemer? Yes he would buy the land.

How did his response change and why when he learned that he also had to redeem Ruth? (any child born to that union would automatically inherit Naomi’s and  Ruth’s land. Not only that but if he had other heirs then this new child would also be a part of his inheritance.

What was the custom of sealing the bargain? The sandal represented that now Boaz could walk upon the land he was willing to redeem.


How does Boaz represent a Christ like figure in the kinsman redeemer? He had to be near of kin, able to redeem, and willing.

Boaz was near of kin when the first redeemer rejected that place. He was then near of kin, able and willing.

Jesus is our “kin”, born of a woman, in human form. He was able to redeem because He was sinless, He was also willing to redeem us.


Ruth is a picture of us. She was an outcast, a Moabite (could not go into the Temple for 10 generations); alienated from God; a symbol of carrying a curse.

We are outcasts from God (Eph 2:1); we too are under a curse (from Garden of Eden); we are alienated from God (Eph 2:12)

We are in need of a redeemer just as Ruth was. (1 Cor 6:20)

Spiritual Principles




God as Prov 16 teaches orchestrates events to bring about His purpose

God reveals His plan of redemption through the story of Ruth

God protects, provides for the ones He is calling to Himself for redemption

Others are aware of our character even if we are not

Once redeemed we are “accepted” into the community(family of God…Jn 1:12)


I have here a dish sponge. It is now dry. If I drop it in the water what will it do? (soak up the water). Do that and then hold it up. What happens if I don’t wring it out? It drips all over and is of no use because the water is still within the sponge. But if I wring it out I have just enough water to wipe up a spill. You can either be a sponge soaking wet with biblical knowledge or you can be wrung out so you can be applied to wipe up a spill..that is application.

One question to ask yourself is this; What do I have in common with the people in this story?

What do I know about God from this book and how does it teach me of his immutability?

Steps to application

choose a verse or passage that speaks to your heart or convicts you in some way or is a truth that you want to apply

write out how you fall short of that truth that you have noted

state one specific thing you can do toward changing to meet that truth, ask God to teach you or to reveal to you what He wants you to achieve

set up a reminder either in a journal entry or a post it note some place to remind you of your covenant (remember a covenant is like a vow –see Eccl 5 on vows)



What will you take from this lesson to apply?

We are approaching Easter. Have you thought about your new dress or outfit or are you thinking about the price paid for your redemption. Will you stop and thank God for the price paid for you?

Is there someone that you know has been redeemed but has not been accepted into the community? Will you reach out and give them the hand of fellowship?

Who is  your Boaz.


Read John 16:16-24 and 20:11-16

©G. Austin 2010 update