Where the world comes to study the Bible

Title Name Datesort descending
What does the Bible say about praying for the dead? admin 2001-01-01
Has America lost her sense of evil? Did she ever have one? admin 2001-01-01
Does satan have the ability to portray his presence everywhere at the same time and where in the bible does it speak of this? admin 2001-01-01
I have some questions on submission to the pastor's and deacons' authority and leaving the church. admin 2001-01-01
Could you tell me the difference between an evangelical and a charismatic? admin 2001-01-01
With whom is a Christian free to break bread? admin 2001-01-01
I wouild like to know your understanding of the ‘believe on him’ in John 8:30. Are they truly saved? In verse 31 is discipleship neccessary for salvation? admin 2001-01-01
When did the animal sacrifices stop and why? admin 2001-01-01
I’m concerned for a few friends who are involved in Wicca. How should I go about talking to them about it? admin 2001-01-01
Is “spirit-controlled” the same as “spirit-filled”? admin 2001-01-01
Is a head covering for women the proper way to show submission? admin 2001-01-01
Is it true the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children? admin 2001-01-01
Does the New Testament begin with the book of Acts? admin 2001-01-01
Does the Greek construction in Acts 2:38 show that baptism has nothing to do with the remission of sins? admin 2001-01-01
Does Titus 1:6 require elders’ and deacons’ children to be believers? admin 2001-01-01
Is everyone or are only some “drawn” by the Holy Spirit? admin 2001-01-01
What does Hebrews 1:3 teach about the oneness and threeness of God? admin 2001-01-01
How did Aaron (Moses’ brother) survive being slaughtered when Pharaoh killed the first-born sons of Israelites? admin 2001-01-01
Does the verb in Gen 2:19 affect whether there is a contradiction (of when man was created) between Gen 1 and Gen 2? admin 2001-01-01
Was Melchizedek a theophany or a real man? admin 2001-01-01
Is heavy petting (without intercourse) a sin? admin 2001-01-01
Does Peter’s vision in Acts 10 correspond in some way to the account of Noah in Gen 6? admin 2001-01-01
Does "Elohim" in Gen. 1:1 mean God or gods? admin 2001-01-01
Are tattoos allowed for a believer? admin 2001-01-01
Can we pray to Mary? admin 2001-01-01
Does prayer alter the outcome of circumstances? admin 2001-01-01
What does Acts 1:8 mean: “when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”? admin 2001-01-01
What would have been Christ’s eternal destiny if He had yielded to temptation? admin 2001-01-01
What does 1 Cor 7:9 mean, “it is better to marry than to burn.” admin 2001-01-01
Is Mary’s lineage in one of the Gospels? admin 2001-01-01
What does the Bible say about the age of accountability? admin 2001-01-01
What do I say to a friend who is attracted to the charismatic “word of knowledge” that can give insight into one’s future? admin 2001-01-01
Will we see the Holy Spirit in heaven? admin 2001-01-01
What about the studies that have proven homosexuality is genetic? admin 2001-01-01
Do believers have God-given authority over Satan? admin 2001-01-01
Does 1 Tim. 3:11 refer to wives of deacons, or wives of both elders and deacons? admin 2001-01-01
What did Jesus mean when he said, “Upon this rock I will build my church”? admin 2001-01-01
What should the requirements for church membership be? admin 2001-01-01
While John 3:16 is all inclusive, do John 6:37, 44, 65 indicate a restriction? admin 2001-01-01
Is there any indication in Scriptures that Esau was saved? admin 2001-01-01
Is Mormonism considered a “false teaching”? admin 2001-01-01
What does the Bible say about wives working? admin 2001-01-01
Was Jesus materially rich? If so is the 'Prosperity Gospel’ justified? admin 2001-01-01
Is Heb. 13:4 saying that a divorced man can never be a deacon? admin 2001-01-01
Can we blame poor evangelism when people’s fail to believe in Christ? admin 2001-01-01
Where did the word “trinity” originate? admin 2001-01-01
Was Paul married? admin 2001-01-01
How did Adam name all the animals in one 24-hour day? admin 2001-01-01
Are angels spirits? admin 2001-02-26
Why are there 66 Chapters in the Book of Isaiah? admin 2001-02-26
