Outline of 2 Timothy
Related MediaI. Introduction (1:1-5)
A. Who is sending the letter (1:1)
B. Who is being addressed (1:2-5)
1 Paul’s relationship with Timothy (1:2-4)
2. Timothy’s Faith (5)
II. Stand Strong In the Present (1:6-2:26)
A. Timothy’s internal (personal) responsibility as a minister (1:6-1:18)
1. Maintain a fresh relationship with God (1:6, 7)
2. Stand strong (1:8-18)
a. Join Paul (1:8)
b. You have been chosen (1:9-11)
c. Paul’s example (1:12-18)
d. Christ is able (1:12-14)
e. Stand in the face of rejection (1:15)
f. Support is supplied (1:16-18)
B. Timothy’s external (public) responsibility (2:1-26)
1. Serve with a purpose (2:1-5)
a. Teach teachers (2:1, 2)
b. Remain single-minded (2:3-5)
2. Work consistently (2:6-19)
a. Endure and Christ will stand by you (2:6-13)
b. Prisoner for the Gospel (2:6-10)
c. Statement of faith (2:11-13
d. Be diligent (2:14-19)
e. Know the Gospel (2:14,15)
f. Avoid empty argument (2:16-18)
g. Rely on God (2:19)
3. Be set apart (2:20-26)
a. A clean vessel (2:20, 21)
b. Pursue righteousness (2:22, 23)
c. A gentle servant (2:24-26)
III. Stand Strong in the Future (3:1-4:5)
A. Apostasy will come (3:1-9)
1. Description of lifestyles in the future (3:1-5)
2. Specific examples of Jannes and Jambres (3:6-9)
B. Tools to confront Apostasy (3:10-4:5)
1. Follow Paul’s example (3:10, 11)
2. Expect persecution (3:12, 13)
3. Remember what you were taught (3:14, 15)
4. Rely upon the Scriptures (3:16, 17)
5. Preach the Gospel (4:1-5)
a. Stand strong in preaching (4:1,2)
b. Realize that people will not want to listen to truth (4:3-5)
IV. Paul’s Personal Example (4:6-22)
A. Hopeful in the face of death (4:6-8)
1. Content in his life (4:6, 7)
2. Hopeful in the future (4:8)
B. Paul’s situation (4:9-18)
1. Desires companionship (4:9-12)
2. Continues to study (4:13)
3. Warns against those who oppose the faith (4:14, 15)
4. Forgives those who abandoned him (4:16)
5. Strengthened in the Lord (4:17, 18)
C. Closing greetings (4:19-22)
1. Greet supporters (4:19)
2. News of friends (4:20)
3. Final call to come (4:21)
4. Final blessing (4:22)
Related Topics: Introductions, Arguments, Outlines